Karmadillo are pleased to announce that the song entry for the Geekpop Summer Song Writing Challenge has won the Most Contrived Rhyme Prize! Why not peruse the lyrics of our biographical song on Gregor Mendel and figure out which couplet was the winner. Or listen to the geekpop podcast and hear it for yourself!
[audio:Mendel-GeekPopAcoustic.mp3|titles=Mendel Acoustic|artist=Karmadillo]It is the same day the career killing Mercury Award prize is announced – I’d rather have this one as if my career nosedives from here I’ll never get to play at Glastonbury again!
The overall winner was a fantastic song on the nature of Google. I didn’t catch the singers name (Naomi F…?) properly but someone worth watching out for. While lots of geeky songs are clever this was also quite moving, funny and poignant.
Thanks to the Geekpop team and the judges for their decision. Now to decide what to spend £25 of science vouchers, supplied courtesy of the Graphic Science.
Don’t forget if you like contrived rhymes more can be heard during the chorus on our single at http://karmadillo.org/2010/08/22/noone-else-karmadillos-first-ever-single-release/