A while ago I read a story about George Takei which inspired one of those written-in-ten-minutes-and-uploaded-to-youtube-straightaway numbers. Around that time I supported Ten Tigers at a gig in Cambridge. A week later I saw Emma from the band was looking for acts for a anti-homophobia/transphobia compilation album project called ‘Any Love Is Good Love‘. As I had just written a song on this very theme I offered to record a full version of the track for the CD and sure enough, the team behind the project were up for it.

I am now listening to the final album, shortly before its release. It is definitely in the ‘IT ROCKS’ category! There is a risk with a compilation that the final assembled slab of music doesn’t tie together, but this is a well paced album of well put together of well-written well-good music. The harmonious feel is despite the tracks ranging across genre’s from punk, electo, electro-punk, arthouse poetry performance, indie and my own contribution being the sole representative of the prog-rock-on-charango genre. A thank you to all those who took part.
A nice heartfelt insight into what the album is aiming to achieve is on the Ten Tigers website. Any Love Is Good Love is the Facebook group for the project – and for now here is the full tracklisting. I’ll be sure to announce it when the launch happens – no official word of the launch date.
1. Ste McCabe – Huyton Scum
2. Death of the Elephant – Locas
3. Mary Cigarettes – I’m Not a Bad Girl
4. Salty Lips – Valentine’s Day
5. The Get – You Gotta Wear a Dress
6. Art Gruppe – I Will Not Survive
7. Karmadillo – Listen To George Takei
8. Toska Wilde – Hard as Nailvarnish
9. Das Wanderlust – Sailors
10. Stella Zine – Freak Faggot
11. The Lovely Eggs – Don’t Look at Me (I Don’t Like It)
12. Pocket Gods – Me Pablo and Duran Duran
13. Zorras – Nest
14. Lost Harbours – Feed the Birds Honey
15. Tumbledryer Babies – Don’t Spoonfeed my Heart
16. Tingle in the Netherlands – She’s No Lady
17. Bearsuit – When Will I Be Queen?
18. Drag Christ – Vixxen N Beat
19. Ten Tigers – Any Love is Good Love