As a performer I have greatly enjoyed playing there in my last century rock band, and current century Karmadillo and Singing Science phases, and has a gig goer have enjoyed performances, food, the company of dear friends, (and yes soooo much alcohol!). Since Hayley and Steve took over running the place it has gone from strength to strength, with great improvements to the gig room, the outdoor area round the back, fantastic food offerings, and making it a great place to meet friends even if you aren’t going to a gig.
Unfortunately they have overheads totalling nearly £25000 including things like deferred rent to pay while they are closed, This sort of debt cripples a business and makes it hard for them to invest in the business for the future.
All of the staff at the venue are currently furloughed, so Green Mind gigs have set up a Crowdfunder and all monies will be paid direct to Hayley and Steve to ensure they can open the doors again after lockdown and aren’t just paying down a debt forever!

This gig is still being arranged, but will aim to feature 30 minute virtual sets from across the smorgasbord of Cambridge entertainers. In return, we hope that you would make donations to the Crowdfunder below! More details to follow!