Category: blog

  • Professor Karmadillo – first PUBlic appearance

    So the first Professor Karmadillo gig will happen on October 3rd at The Portland Arms, Cambridge. It will be as opening support – and ironically this first gig is on a night featuring another bands last. After 4 albums and however many years The Vichy Government are stopping. The night will have films, a fez…

  • ‘Any Love Is Good Love’ Compilation – enjoying my first listen!

    A while ago I read a story about George Takei which inspired one of those written-in-ten-minutes-and-uploaded-to-youtube-straightaway numbers. Around that time I supported Ten Tigers at a gig in Cambridge. A week later I saw Emma from the band was looking for acts for a anti-homophobia/transphobia compilation album project called ‘Any Love Is Good Love‘. As…

  • Operation: Recovery

    I had the operation last week to reconstruct my cruciate ligament. Its a pretty clever procedure that people have come up with and I’m detailing it on my Professor Karmadillo blog. I have to say a huge thanks to Mr Norrish the consultant, Anne-Maria my physiotherapist, the anaesthetist and everyone in the operating theatre and…

  • Professor Karmadillo logo unveiled

    I’m proud to unveil the logo for Professor Karmadillo, my musical science project. It was drawn my Miss Roberts, who also conceptualised Snout, the main Karmadillo mascot.

  • Poetry Society Infighting Inspires Poetry

    ‘Tis absurd. The poetry society is having a war of words. Full story, if you ain’t heard.

  • Any Love Is Good Love

    I wrote a track after hearing about a school board member who suggested that gay school kids go top themselves. I then heard about the Any Love Is Good Love CD project via Emma from Ten Tigers which aims to highlight the issue of homophobic violence. I’ve recorded a full version of this song and…

  • Parklife – Milton Country Park, Sunday 24th July

    Karmadillo will be playing at PARKLIFE at 12.15pm – in the Arts Area is up near the War Memorial/ Remembrance Meadow at Milton Country Park. If you don’t know where this this there will be some at the entrance/ information point able to direct you. Arts Arena Programme: 11.00 – 11.25am Gamlingay Records 11.25 –…

  • A Face For Radio

    I’ll be on Cambridge105 Radio on Monday afternoon playing a few songs and talking about busking and Professor Karmadillo! Its on 105FM in Cambridge and listenable to online!

  • Cambridge Busking Festival Schedule now up!

    Winner of the 2010 Cambridge Buskers Festival, Karmadillo, will be on the streets of Cambridge once again for the 2011 Cambridge Buskers and Street Performers Festival at the following times: Thursday 30th June3pm – Market Street / Sidney Street Friday 1st JulyCorner of Petty Cury/Guildhall – 3pmHalf way up Petty Cury – 4pm Saturday 2nd…

  • The Haymakers, Cambridge June 12th

    An acoustic night at The Haymakers. Free entry! More details to follow on other acts etc.